LD Flowchart and basics

Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Introduction


Flow for LD


Set your paper lengthwise and draw 7 dividers in the following pattern
























   Sub a

   Sub b







List q’s as needed

draw links to other args attacks








challenge DOT if needed

Attack on Cont1



Attack on Cont2




Attack on Cont3


Neg Case






List q’s as needed

draw links to other args/attacks












Draw links between arguments as they are made by the opposing debater.  Flow your args while prepping or after your speech.  Make sure you flow through all the speeches.  It may help to use a different color pen when flowing the AFF/NEG arguments.



This should be a story, quote, lyric or some other AGD (Attention Getting Device)


Value: This is the broad overarching goal that is either achieved by affirming or negating the resolution.  This tends to be a vague or broad idea.  This is about the same as the thesis as the point of the essay is the same as the value in a case.


Criteria/Criterion: This is how the value is measured/achieved. This is a more detailed approach.  The information in this is stored throughout the entire case.  All points in the case should lead to or support this idea.



Value: Childhood Innocence

Criteria: Ignorance of the real world


Affirmative Case Building

The affirmative case is almost the same as a standard five paragraph essay.  An introduction is necessary for a successful case.  The case should be almost exactly 6 minutes long.  The thesis of the essay is almost the same as the value of the case as it is the main point that the essay should support.  An affirmative case should have 3-4 contentions or main arguments to support the criteria.  In LD the contentions or arguments should be a mixture of evidence and opinion.  This should be a convincing argument so use your literary skills.  The contentions are the WHY of the case.   They are when you explain the value/criteria.  You need to tie back into your introduction when you conclude.  It should echo the idea of your value and criteria. 


Negative Case Building

The negative case is much shorter you should only spend 3-4 minutes of the negative constructive speech in the Neg case.  The remainder of the time needs to be spent attacking the affirmative case.  Again a value and a criteria are necessary for the negative side.  As the neg your burden is to clash with the affirmative and true clash cannot be achieved if you do not present an opposing value/criteria pair.  You should have one or two contentions on the negative side.  Make sure that the taglines for the negative are clear and easy to understand for the judge and the aff.



One of the most important parts of the debate is the cross examination period.  Both the affirmative and the negative have the opportunity to ask the other questions to increase the clarification of their opponents case or to lead the way to a better attack on the opponents case.  To do the best possible job in CX you should have 6-10 questions automatically ready for the opponent.  Specific clarifications on their value, criteria, or case are good.  Also to have explanations in their own words of their arguments.  To get further analysis of their case.  Also how their approach clashes with your own.  This should be done facing the judge.  Make sure you are asking questions and not making statements. 


Speech Order

The speech order is as follows:


Affirmative Constructive 6 minutes (AC)

Cross-Examination 3 minutes

Negative Constructive 7 minutes (NC)

Cross-Examination 3 minutes

First Affirmative Rebuttal 4 minutes (1AR)

Negative Rebuttal 6 minutes (NR)

Second Affirmative Rebuttal 3 minutes (2AR)



Speech Breakdown


One of the key things to achieve success or increase your standings is to always use the full amount of time.  When you do not complete the time for a speech it is like you are granting extra time to your opponent to attack you since there will be less for them to cover in their speech.  This is especially true of the affirmative speeches.



Totally prepared speech.  This will become memorized the more it is done.  You should never have extra time on this speech.  ALWAYS use the full time on this speech.



This is a period for clarification and preparation.  New arguments can be created via well directed questions in the CX slot.



Half prepared speech.  This speech is half case and half attack.  The case arguments must directly clash with the affirmative case.  The neg must also attack the V,C, and contentions of the AFF side. 



This is a period for clarification and preparation.  New arguments can be created via well directed questions in the CX slot.



This four minute speech is the AFF’s chance to rebuild its case after the attacks of the NEG.  The best time to use the prep time on the AFF side is now.  The Criteria and Value are the main things that must be rebuilt.  Then support the contentions. Then attack the negative.



The negative has only one rebuttal and should be spent rebuilding negative position.  Then attacking the affirmatives case.  Finally the negative should present the voting issues(Voters) for the round.  These are the key arguments the neg feels are necessary to decide the outcome of the debate. 



Most of this speech will be prepared before the round.  There should be a few continuations of the arguments from the round.  The remainder of the speech is a defense of the affirmative position and the presentation of the AFF voters.


Shake hands and thank the judge and you are ready to go to the next round!